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HEAT Series 3 Number 5

96 pages
21 x 14.8 cm
Published October 2022
ISBN 9781922725042
ISSN 1326-1460
Epub 9781922725622
Epdf 9781922725639


Alexandra Christie


Jenny Grigg

HEAT Series 3 Number 5

The appeal of the random, the accidental, the chance, the unpredictable, except in the case of breakfast, is surely essential and needed for a life to be alive. Patterns can be found later.

So writes Stephanie Radok in HEAT Series 3 Number 5, in an essay about gardening, art-making and the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Chance encounters occur often in these pages: between Nöelle Janaczewska’s dramatic appreciation of cheese and art, Jenny Erpenbeck’s things that disappear, a deceptively simple set of stories about friendship by Oliver Driscoll, Mary Jean Chan’s lucid verses of self-expression, an uncanny story by Katharina Volckmer, and Kate Middleton’s biting poems about watching television.

Across poetry and prose, the seven writers featured in HEAT Series 3 Number 5 share singular, often dreamlike, perspectives on appetites, art and nature.


Jenny Erpenbeck (trans. Kurt Beals)  Things That Disappear  non-fiction
Oliver Driscoll Two Simple Stories About Friendship  fiction
Mary Jean Chan from Ars Poetica  poetry
Katharina Volckmer  Fritz  fiction
Kate Middleton Television Poems  poetry
Stephanie Radok Under the Bed  non-fiction
Noëlle Janascweska  Still Life With Cheese  non-fiction

Artwork by Jacqueline Rose

From the issue

Things That Disappear

HEAT Series 3 Number 5
October 2022
The farewells are what I remember. How thin and white R. looked beneath his shock of hair when I said goodbye to him for the last time and he nodded to me without lifting his head from the pillow, just briefly closing his eyes. How I didn’t go back to his bed, but simply closed the door behind me. The next day I had to pick up his things from the hospital, including the razor I’d charged for him the day before. The razor was charged, but R. was dead.
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Under the Bed

HEAT Series 3 Number 5
October 2022
Today I watered the front garden by hand. Maybe not the most efficient method but efficiency has its limits. I decided to pick three long stalks of feverfew daisies growing near the nectarine tree as they had started to lie down. They have an intense and complex scent half-mint half-chrysanthemum. It is an insect-repelling herb.
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