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HEAT Series 3 Number 2

96 pages
Paperback, 21 x 14.8 cm
Published April 2022
ISBN 9781922725011
ISSN 1326-1460
Epub 9781922725417
Epdf 9781922725424


Alexandra Christie


Jenny Grigg

HEAT Series 3 Number 2

Giramondo’s celebrated literary journal continues in its new third series.

Opening HEAT Series 3 Number 2 is an essay by British novelist Helen Oyeyemi on the ‘electrical wriggle’ that characterises writing at play. New Zealand writer Pip Adam summons e-scooters to life in ‘Unlock to Ride’, and poet Samuel Wagan Watson makes a foray into prose with ‘Min-Min’, a flash of a story. A lovelorn lament set in Sydney’s Blue Mountains by Luke Carman follows; then swooping verse from Melbourne poet Michael Farrell; and, finally, fiction by new writer Ren Arcamone that blends the surreal with the everyday.


Helen Oyeyemi  Ludic Literature  non-fiction
Pip Adam  Unlock to Ride  fiction
Samuel Wagan Watson  Min-Min  fiction
Luke Carman  Sit Down Young Stranger  fiction
Michael Farrell  Three Poems  poetry
Ren Arcamone  Allen  fiction

Artwork by Naminapu Maymuru-White


From the issue

Sit Down Young Stranger

HEAT Series 3 Number 2
April 2022
There was a dim lantern filled with dead insects near the amphitheatre, and the moon was hidden by the top of an old apartment beside the station. Moths made silent sweeps at the flickering lantern, and Liam placed his open guitar case underneath, so that anyone wandering down the winding path could pay their respects to his work.
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Unlock to Ride

HEAT Series 3 Number 2
April 2022
The roastery was a cover for the accommodation rort our landlord was pulling. The whole warehouse was divided with heavy curtains into small rectangular spaces where we all slept in single beds. Every space looked the same and it was hard to tell them apart. Our landlord called them pods but it was more like a battery.
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Ludic Literature

HEAT Series 3 Number 2
April 2022
The vastness of fiction’s playground (and the seeming abundance of slides and ladders) makes it possible for the reader of ludic literature to flee the corner inhabited by the kids who don’t play and crash into the hall of King Arthur for all the wonder of Camelot on New Year’s Day.
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HEAT Series 3 Number 2
April 2022
Phil and I have a make-believe housemate – we call him Allen. Allen is a real jerk. Allen never cleans the bathroom, leaves the fan on when no one’s home, and only half-empties the dishwasher. Allen lets the laundry stay out on the line for so long that all our jeans are sun-faded, and he alone is responsible for the murder of our beloved houseplant, Fernie Sanders.
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