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HEAT Series 3 Number 3

96 pages
Paperback, 21 x 14.8 cm
Published June 2022
ISBN 9781922725028
ISSN 1326-1460
Epub 9781922725486
Epdf 9781922725493


Alexandra Christie


Jenny Grigg

HEAT Series 3 Number 3

HEAT Series 3 Number 3 spans vast distances, taking us from Canberra to Cambridge via Mexico and Manhattan. In fiction, Madeleine Watts, Kenneth Chong and Aniela Rodríquez share vivid stories of desire, withholding, and biblical revenge, while poets Iman Mersal and Jarad Bruinstroop offer perspectives on beauty and oppression. Essayist Kate Crowcroft contributes a piece that explores the history of the tongue, switching deftly between the personal and the archival. Robyn Creswell translates Mersal from Arabic, and Elizabeth Bryer translates Rodríguez from Spanish.


Madeleine Watts  Australian Capital Territory  fiction
Kenneth Chong  Small Talk  fiction
Jarad Bruinstroop  Five Poems  poetry
Aniela Rodríguez  (trans. Elizabeth Bryer)  Cain’s Feast  fiction
Kate Crowcroft  Tongue Broken  non-fiction
Iman Mersal  (trans. Robyn Creswell)  Five Poems  poetry

Frontispiece by Caroline Rothwell


From the issue

Five Poems

HEAT Series 3 Number 3
June 2022
She said to him, When a woman informs you that she’s a little drunk / this is actually a warning that she’s liable to collapse at any moment. / And when she tells you of a lost happiness / she means that you’re responsible for giving it back to her / on a silver platter, like those knights in the stories of Caliphs / who return home with the heads of enemies on their spears.
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Australian Capital Territory

HEAT Series 3 Number 3
June 2022
On that day in Canberra we had been together thirteen months. Steady, happy months. We owned Ikea furniture together, had combined our books, were joint owners of a Turkish kilim, a record player, and a vibrator. Maybe we would start gardening. Maybe we would get a dog. Maybe we would have a baby, a girl, with curly, black hair.
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Small Talk

HEAT Series 3 Number 3
June 2022
As a man writes this down, he calls to mind those many instances in which he wished he was at home, reading. He would say to himself, I wish I were at home now, and then picture himself huddled up with a book of no particular title, but nevertheless certain that the pleasure and comfort he found in that imagined tableau would exceed anything before his eyes.
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Tongue Broken

HEAT Series 3 Number 3
June 2022
There are many ways to break a tongue, and there are many ways to recall its power, not only as an instrument of speech that shapes sound within its home of the mouth and palate, but as an organ involved in knowledge acquisition, sense making, flights and figment.
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