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Paperback, 22.3 x 14.3 cm
Published 1997
ISSN 1326-1460


Ivor Indyk

Cover design

Harry Williamson

Text design

Toni Hope-Caten


Winner, Penguin Award for Best Designed Paperback in Australian Publishers' Association 1997 Design Awards.

HEAT 5 dwells on the political dimension of culture, now that the spectre of racism is abroad again in the land.

Vietnam provides one focus, with excerpts from American poet George Evans’ novel on the Vietnam War contrasted with French and Vietnamese fiction from the period of French colonial rule. The themes of cultural conflict and solidarity, decline and renewal, are explored in Gustaf Sobin’s essay on the Roman aqueduct at Nimes and Don Miller’s essay on “Neighbours and Strangers”; in short stories by Bruce Pascoe and the Filipino-Australian dramatist Merlinda Bobis; in the confrontation with racism in chapter 4 of Anna Couani’s serial novel The Western Horizon and Peter Lyssiotis’s photo essay “Whose”; and in the poems about war, friendship, and cultural influence by John Forbes, John Millett, Jennifer Maiden, Adam Aitken, William Bronk and Clayton Eshleman.

Other highlights include Nicholas Jose’s essay “On Reticence”, Ken Bolton and Gig Ryan on the less savoury aspects of Les Murray’s Subhuman Redneck Poems, discussions of French novelist Andreï Makine and Chinese poet Sun Wenbo, and Jackson Mac Low and Chris Mann at the cutting edge of language. Noel McKenna contributes a series of linocuts on the theme of “Play”, and there is new poetry by Peter Skrzynecki, Pam Brown, Myron Lysenko, Meera Atkinson and Kate Whitfield.


John Forbes – Lassù in Cielo
Gustaf Sobin – Aquaeductus
John Millett – War Poems
Clayton Eshleman – El Mozote
George Evans – A Year Without Sleep
Albert de Pouvourville – A Tell-Tale Gesture (translated by Brendan Doyle)
Nhat Linh – A Dream of Tu Lam (translated by Greg & Monique Lockhart)
Peter Lyssiotis – Whose?
Adam Aitken – Two Portraits
Jennifer Maiden – The Squadron
Merlinda Bobis – Fish-Hair Woman
Sinéad Morrissey – February
William Bronk – Four Poems
Don Miller – Neighbours & Stangers
Bruce Pascoe – The Marguerite Flower
Pam Brown – Acting Big
John F. Deane – Two Poems
Meera Anne Atkinson – To the Girl
Emma Lew – Two Poems
Nicholas Jose – On Reticence
Kate Whitfield – All of Me
Peter Skrzynecki – Death and the Maiden
Myron Lysenko – The Decision
Noel McKenna – Play
Sun Wenbo – The Program (translated by Maghiel van Crevel)
Jackson Mac Low – Sticky Bread Gets Sliced
Chris Mann – Not Yet
Eden Liddelow – The French Testament
Deep Bisla – Ou
Anna Couani – The Western Horizon (chapter 4)
Ken Bolton and Gig Ryan on Les Murray

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