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Some things have nothing in common until you put them together, says artist and collector Patrick Pound about his series of found photographs in our latest issue. The writers in HEAT Series 3 Number 8 seem similarly drawn to overlooked meaning. In ‘Shopping’, a short story by Katerina Gibson, a young arts worker in Melbourne overcomes an obsession with designer clothing. The late Hong Kong writer Xi Xi, in a work of autobiographical fiction, processes a cancer diagnosis. Essayist Cameron Hurst finds herself attending a meeting of the Victorian Spiritualists’ Union after reading Henry Handel Richardson. And poets Judith Beveridge and Paul Muldoon transform unassuming animals, people and places into singular moments.
Xi Xi (trans. Jennifer Feeley) Mourning a Breast prose
Judith Beveridge Animal Poems poetry
Patrick Pound Air Heading Right art
Cameron Hurst Send Me a Sign? prose
Katerina Gibson Shopping prose
Paul Muldoon Three Poems poetry
Frontispiece by Julie Rrap