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Lionel Fogarty
Lionel Fogarty was born on Wakka Wakka land, at Cherbourg Aboriginal Reserve in south-east Queensland in 1957. Throughout the 1970s he worked as an activist for Aboriginal Land Rights, and in the 1990s, after the death of his brother Daniel Yock, protesting against Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. His poetry collections date from the early 1980s; his most recent collections are Connection Requital, Mogwie-Idan: Stories of the Land, Eelahroo (Long Ago) Nyah (Looking) Mobo-Mobo (Future), all with Vagabond Press; Lionel Fogarty: Selected Poems 1980-2017, published by; and Harvest Lingo, published by Giramondo and shortlisted for the 2023 NSW and Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards.