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Jess Huon
Giramondo eBooks available now
Selected Giramondo titles are now available as eBooks, and can be purchased through (in alphabetical order):
Amazon,, Fishpond, iBooks, Kobo,, Ebrary, Netlibrary, Read How You Want, Overdrive, ReadCloud
The digital editions offered are:
Brian Castro’s Street to Street
Alike Melike Ülgezer’s The Memory of Salt
Jess Huon’s The Dark Wet
Gerald Murnane’s Barley Patch and A History of Books
Evelyn Juers’ House of Exile
Tom Cho’s Look Who’s Morphing
Sara Knox’s The Orphan Gunner
Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria
Mireille Juchau’s Burning In
Brian Castro’s The Garden Book
Nick Jose’s Original Face and
John Hughes’ The Idea of Home
We are developing our digital publishing program. If there are any titles you would like to read on your device, please email Alice, alicegATgiramondopublishingDOTcom.