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Photo: Leah Jing McIntosh

Hasib Hourani

Hasib Hourani is a Lebanese-Palestinian writer, editor, arts worker and educator living on Wangal Country in Sydney. His work has been published in Meanjin, Overland, Australian Poetry and Cordite, among others. He is a 2020 recipient of The Wheeler Centre’s Next Chapter Scheme and his 2021 essay, ‘when we blink’ was shortlisted for The LIMINAL & Pantera Press Nonfiction prize and published in their 2022 anthology, Against Disappearance. His debut book is rock flight (Giramondo 2024).


rock flight

Hasib Hourani

83 pages
Paperback, 21 x 14.8 cm
Published September 2024
ISBN 9781923106116

rock flight is a book-length poem that, over seven chapters, follows a personal and historical narrative to compose an understated yet powerful allegory of Palestine’s occupation. It depicts a restlessness brought about by dispossession, and a determination to find significance in fleeting objects and fragments.